My 10 steps to enlightenment continued… 


By Kristy Kaye

Often we set goals and more goals only to find that we never reach them.  We need to learn more about how our intellect can upstage our pure intentions.

So many emotional blocks come to inhibit our direction.

We are usually to some large or small percentage still living our programming from our early life and if it did not include success in the things we are aiming for then it will be difficult to overcome this.

The first goal is to look at what blocks us.  There is also a blockage profile you can have that opens up a window view on events of the past identifying those obstacles and shows you how you dealt with them in your early life and how they may have shaped you instead of allowing you to live your enlightenment. As you will learn in the workshop this is a one and a half hour consultation that will indeed change your perspective on just about everything.

The block is identified and dealt with using some very powerful techniques.

My ten steps to enlightenment

  1. AWAKEN: Open yourself to change your perspective on just about everything.
  2. BENEFIT:  Expel any limiting ideas or ideals that only bring you down.
  3. HEAL YOUR PAST – Find your power.
  4. COMMIT to your new life by following through on a mission of self-discovery.
  5. FOLLOW YOUR FEELINGS FIRST! Understand the difference between feelings and emotions.
  6. GIVE YOURSELF TIME: Time to meditate on how your life is faring. Carve out of your daily time priorities time for you.  Time to grow!
  7. REGROUP yourself daily USE KEY WORDS! Learn to respect and nurture your energy to maintain balance.
  8. DETACH:  Unplug yourself from the matrix of life.
  9. KILL OBLIGATION: If you feel obliged to do things for others your pathway to enlightenment will be challenged with ups and downs.

© Kristy Kaye 2021

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