VIC State Leader and Spiritual Consultant at Solara Academy
The Unique Vibration of Alan’s energy is one that “guides the pathways of Self-Administration” As the name suggests a Self – Administering Soul takes responsibility and ownership of it’s journey as a Soul. It’s therefore no surprise that Alan was attracted to Living Illuminations work.
Experience: 11 years
Phone: +0432 377 325
Training: Consultant, Facilitator of 4th level courses
Alan was successful in the Corporate World but unfulfilled. He was attracted to attend the Universal Workshop because he had that feeling, deep inside, that he was wasting the opportunity of this lifetime, that he should be doing something else with his life. He undertook several of our courses and workshops that provided immense healing for his Soul. As he rediscovered himself as a Soul he left the corporate world and is now directing his own business. Alan trained as a consultant with Living Illumination because he knows from personal experience that our Workshops, Profiles and Courses provide the healing, connection to guidance and spiritual growth that enables a Soul to “Self Administer” their spiritual journey.