Photo of Angela Bauer Spiritual Consultant with Solara Academy

QLD Consultant

Angela’s commitment to self-discovery and learning started in her teens as she tried to understand why she didn’t feel like she fitted in. Graduating from university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Science and Computer Science, Angela launched herself into the corporate world where she found opportunities and challenges in leading her own path for her life. Family and society norms had her loose herself in relationships and her career often feeling insecure, empty and unfulfilled.

Experience: 10 years


Phone: +0412 123 925

Training: Consultant, Facilitator of 2nd level courses

In 2008 after being made redundant from her corporate job she immersed herself in self development and became certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Time Dynamics and also received certification as an Angel Card reader with Doreen Virtue. Angela’s focus now was on helping individuals and organisations to make change easy as a Change Manager. Even though she had made this shift, life kept throwing her curve balls and she still felt insecure, empty and unfulfilled.

It was in 2015 that she discovered the unique work of Solara Academy when she was drawn to the work and the curiosity of connecting with her own team of angels. Angela remembers the exact moment during the Universal Workshop when her angels asked her if they could connect. Immersing herself into the work it wasn’t long before she was trained to lead Trance Healing clinics and Instructing Courses.

Angela’s integrity for discovering herself and sharing her learnings is the catalyst for her continuing to be a consultant with Living Illumination and assisting others to find their own path and communicating with their own team for guidance to live a life of enrichment and enthusiasm.