Gather the life skills you need to maintain your peak condition!

Go the distance to ensure that your spiritual health is your first priority!

Change your consciousness to upgrade your energy!

Our energy investments last for lifetimes.

Just like our body, our soul needs inflow (learning) and outflow (sharing)!

Our inflow needs to be beyond our level of consciousness to challenge us and stretch our spiritual muscles.

For outflow we need to solidify what we have learnt by finding others who want to hear what we have to share. There is no exception to this rule. At every level of consciousness we have the same needs and desires.

Remember those social nights that you will never forget because you had everyone listening to your wisdom. That is what we are talking about. It is an awesome feeling.

But finding the right kind of inflow can be difficult to discern. What we need not what we want. Often our intellect wants something fanciful to study or learn. Its choices will more often not help our energy as we need it to. Often people study for no reason at all gathering degrees just because it is a comfort zone.

Consider that often what we learn can limit us thinking outside the box. We take what we have learnt as being an end in itself instead of a beginning. We have whole societies doing that.

We need to find the right kind of inflow to produce the energy fitness that we need from week to week.

Without inflow and outflow our spiritual muscles fall into atrophy. We can lose our confident demeanor, drift through life allowing others to make decisions for us and live in a fog.

Not very appealing alternatives! Well there is more than hope available to you.

Metaphorically speaking imagine alighting a spiritual train, which keeps you in a ‘high energy’ state and takes you to where you want to go next automatically. Imagine a wise enlightened spiritual being or two being available to answer your every questions and keep your train on its tracks.

It’s not that difficult to organize.

At Living Illumination the train ride begins at its introductory program, The Universal Workshop. Most of the other amazing opportunities to learn and heal you begin there. As you follow its enlightened pathways with you in control, you can steer your train to its next exciting station.

Depending on where your state of consciousness is, there are courses at every level of refinement you can take. You will soon discover what this University of Spiritual Development can offer you.

Register now for its introductory program, the Universal Workshop on our Events page and let your destiny unfold itself at your own discretion and direction.

Life can be better than you could ever imagine it to be.

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