LI 2023 Financial Plan 

By: Tracey Tomlinson

Happy New Year! January is a time for reflection on the year that has been and consideration for the year which has just started. What do you want for yourself and your life? What challenges will you conquer this year that have perhaps evaded us up until now? And what skills will you develop to bring into play the uniqueness of who we are and the true love and power we hold?

Perhaps your goals include the following;

And the list goes on….. Or your goals might be more like;

For those that have had the privilege of using the energy techniques learned through Living Illumination, together with your Guidance, your goals may be very different to what you used to set.

When you’re working from your soul part to create your goals rather than your intellect and programming creating them, they are aligned with your purpose and benefit your soul part. It’s like nourishing your garden and seeing the fruits of your efforts grow and expand.

Spirit wants you to be successful and abundant. When you engage with your Guidance to set your goals, you may find that the focus will include your spiritual growth, focusing on you from within. Your Guidance has an aerial view of your life, and a blueprint for its success this lifetime. They can see what is ahead when we often can’t or haven’t as yet.

When you create from your soul part, this often results in your financial and other needs being taken care of simply because you are following what your soul part needs. It is like the rest is taken care of for you. This makes goal setting simple, fulfilling and very impactful, sorts the wheat from the chaff, and simplifies life. Abundance, harmony and joy are the other benefits.

So what often is a mission to set a financial plan and budget for the year? After this interlude with your master souls, you may have a different focus. Of course, finances are critical (after all, you have to pay for those spiritual courses and ways to nurture yourself). However, when done with your Guidance, you will be more relaxed and less stressed about your finances. You won’t just have a traditional financial plan, but an elevated new financial plan (also known as your spiritual plan) in your back pocket.

Your Guidance always knows what’s in your best interests. You simply need to ask them, get the facts, create an action plan, and action the plan, trusting the foundation you are building. 

So are you going to use the energy techniques you’ve learned to date and work with your Guidance to put them into play before setting your goals for 2023? Or if you haven’t walked that path yet, perhaps your goals for 2023 include learning these tools and techniques so that you have them in your kit bag to experience more love, power and fulfillment this year and beyond.

What can you do now?

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