Love Me Do: True Love Beyond the Ballads
By: Ebbin Florence
Love, Love me do, I know you love me. I will always be true. So please, please love me do. Whoa LOVE ME DO. Yes, a world-famous LOVE song from The Beatles. It made millions of dollars but broke a lot of hearts. Love songs are all about love outside of yourself and yearning for someone else to love you. Everywhere we look, every movie, theater shows, playwrights, songs, paintings, and poetry. It’s all about love steering you towards love outside of yourself. You are educated and entertained about love. The love of another person, the love of food, the love of sex, the love of money, the love of family, and the love of travel (escapism & diversions). TRUE LOVE comes directly from your own heart. The deep resonance and sounds of your heartbeat. Open your heart to a place where you may have never looked before. Maybe look within your own heart. Open the eyes of your heart and see the love within you. Be the first person to truly love and know you. Your true and pure essence is LOVE.
Give a Gift of love this Valentine’s Day and discover the true meaning of LOVE… A Gift of love to yourself or a gift of love to a friend who has had a hard time with love, A gift to anyone who truly needs to understand TRUE love.
Explore these transformative courses to enrich love in your life:
Living the Soul’s Love Energy in Totality
Awaken the love within workshop
Love & Relationships- Moving Beyond Traditions
Relationships: Beauty & the beast course
Understanding Our Divine Plan & Its Relationships – The family world workshop
The Essence of Love & its Tradition: The Relationship course
Love v Interest: Evaluating Unconditional Love in our life course
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and deepening connections through these empowering experiences. May the love you find within be the guiding light on your path to fulfillment and genuine connection. Happy exploring!
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