Family World – Self Discovery Series Level 1 (#902 @INT)


SKU: 5978795442339 ,

This is a Family World revelational self-discovery series. In the first week it covers Our Indomitable Spirit – its truth and fallacies. In the second week we learn to expand our consciousness beyond taking care of ourselves. In the third week we challenge the concepts of conformity. In the fourth week we examine the comfort zones that intoxicate us. In week five we look at Indulgences we may wish to part with and embrace the freedom of choice. In week six we take a closer look at the inhibiting concept of pride and its time wasting. In the final week we look at how we can betray our own self-worth through addictions to others.

Time: 2-3 Hours


Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the course is recommended.


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Venue: Online