Awaken the Love within Workshop (#651 @AWK)


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Looking to open up to your feelings and explore your spiritual purpose?
Look no further than our Awaken the Love Within workshop! This transformative experience will guide you towards healing yourself and helping others, fostering a sense of compassion and loyalty to both yourself and those around you. You’ll learn how to seek peace, tranquility, love, and understanding, all while avoiding being bogged down by emotive issues and staying focused on your journey. This workshop is perfect for leaders looking to support others while cultivating their own self-loyalty and sincerity, and is sure to help you experience greater levels of awareness and fulfilment. Join us for this life-changing workshop and awaken the love within you today!

The world really needs that unique gift that only you have. Isn’t it time to take the next step toward mastering self-loyalty, manifesting loving relationships, business success, and a healthier and happier life. This transformational experience opens us up to the possibilities of our spiritual purpose, to heal ourselves and help others.

The ‘Awaken The Love Within’ Workshop is a foundational program offered by Solara Academy and has helped many to ignite their desire to help and heal their fellow man and learn more about love and compassion for themselves and others. Those attracted to this energy are often Leaders wanting to support others, whilst desiring to solidify their own self-loyalty and sincerity first. They recognise a journey travelled and its enlightenment can be shared to help others.

This profound workshop helps you experience greater levels of awareness. It is a focused and feeling energy which breaths a sense of fulfilment.

We deliver that experience at every Awaken the Love Within Workshop.

In this workshop you will do techniques to open you up to your feelings to:

  1. Discover a true sense of loyalty to self, and selflessness in its outflow to others;
  2. Seek to discover your desire to have a mirrored reflection of peace, tranquility, love and understanding;
  3. Experience greater levels of awareness;
  4. Identify and avoid being caught up in emotive issues and stay detached and directed;
  5. Unfold the feeling of compassion for other people, because you know they have travelled the same journey and feel the challenges either to overcome, or which have been overcome;
  6. Discover in backing others find the right path, it is about gathering people, not in their weaknesses, but in their strengths.

Time: 5 Hours

Prerequisites: None

Follow up:

Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the workshop is recommended.


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Event Details

Venue: Online