As we travel the pathways of Spirit, we feel the desire to assist others to travel the same pathways of self-discovery. In this course you train to become a Consultant in the profile which connects people with their Guidance. You learn the procedures to channel the individual information on their Guidance, their Gifts, special messages from their Guidance. You also train to be part of a team to present the Business of Life Workshop. This is an incredibly amazing opportunity to back people to make changes to their life by showing them tools and techniques to make clearer decisions for themselves.
Time: 10 Hours
- #301 Pathways Level 2 Step 1: Taking Pathways Beneficial to Finding True Freedom
- #302 Pathways Level 2 Step 2: Building Pathways to Lucidity
- #303 Pathways Level 2 Step 3: Balancing Our Life & Goals for Optimal Success
- #304 Pathways Level 2 Step 4: Discovering Pathways to Our Inner Beauty
- #305 Pathways Level 2 Step 5: Bountiful Steps on our Pathways of Life
- #306 Pathways Level 2 Step 6: Pathways to the Supreme Experience of Benevolence
- #5003 Unique Vibration Profile – Discovering my Life’s Journey
- #200 How to deliver the message of Tranquillity with Purpose
- #400 How to Present Serenity Lecture & Workshop
- #650 How to Present the CU Lecture & Workshop
- #800 How to Present the Transcendence Lecture & Workshop
- #900 How to Present the Family World Lecture & Workshop
- #7000 How to Present the Trance Healing Lecture & Workshop Training Course
Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the course is recommended.
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