How to Present the CU Lecture & Workshop Course (#650)
We live in two worlds. A physical world – Planet Earth and a spiritual world – the Universe. This duality can create conflicts in our existence and our understanding of our path and purpose. This Life journey tour will go some way in explaining the University of Spirit we are all enrolled in. This course offers us the opportunity not only to understand the Journey but to present it to others. We can elevate our energy every time we present it.  We will also find a new team of Compassionate Undertakings Angels will join our team to make giving the lecture and workshop new heights of understanding and offer us pure energy experiences.
Time: 8 Hours
- #654 Business of Life Workshop
- #101 Pathways Level 1 Step 1– Awakening Your Inner Self to Its Potential
- #102 Pathways Level 1 Step 2 – Ambition to Redefine Your Life
- #103 Pathways Level 1 Step 3 – Taking Intentional Action
Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the course is recommended.
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