In this course, we explore the attitude fit for the unconditional love relationships sought by so many but so difficult to cultivate, and explore if we are living our lives trying to make the grade for a loved one. You will become aware you are on your own journey of enlightenment, and you can’t be changed into someone else to achieve it.
You will learn more about the true essence of your soul part and the freedom in living free of enmeshed binding alliances because of physical attraction, allegiances or obligation, moving to a platform of having unconditional love relationships. When love is unconditional, you owe nothing but give freely of yourself without assuming a return, and you are grateful for what you do receive. You explore expectations, and how that keeps you imprisoned in the small picture of expecting, assuming and demanding.
In this course, you will learn the art of giving of yourself, not for conquest, control or prospect, but a better way to live life – making decisions from the heart.
In this enlightening course, you will explore:
- The totality of love;
- How its energies organise planet earth;
- The confusion of love and its captivity;
- The love you are looking for how to unfold it;
- The different types of love energies you are;
- How your love expression affects your health, wealth and well-being;
- The opening of your Heart Chakra.
This course will help you strengthen any weaknesses you may have, and any detrimental habits that inhibit your desire to mature spiritually. You can save years spent worthlessly pursuing the wrong pathways, existing instead of thriving. You will consolidate self-love and then count with yourself and your loyalty to self that will hold up in relationships so you bring the totality of your pure love energy into relationships.
Time: 10 Hours
- #654 The Business of Life Workshop
- #201 Mastering Communication with Guidance
- #101-103 Pathways Awakening Courses: Level 1 Steps 1-3
- #904 The Essence of Love and Its Relationship
Follow up:
- #920 Pride Course
Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the course is recommended.
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