Our Prophetic Gift Course: Attaining Revelations (#1007 @PRO)


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‘Our Prophetic Gift Course: Attaining Revelations’  Course (#1007)

The Evolving Your Gift Courses are a series of four profound and unique courses offered by Solara Academy that unfold a deeper understanding of the Gift of Feeling, Gift of Intuition, Gift of Prophecy and Gift of Vision – the four perceptions.

Each of the perceptions has in-balance and out-of-balance qualities. Since you have all four, It is imperative that you understand each of your gifts and your own unique gift order and use your perceptions in balance, to ensure you are living your life undiluted and having the breakthroughs you want to enable you to live your contentment, fulfilment, and success. These courses have helped many around the world take their life to the next level and live outside of what is predictable.

In this profound Evolving Your ‘Gift of Prophecy’ Course, you learn how important it is to unfold the spiritual big picture of your life and time and to open to your inner awareness and gain greater balance and security. You unfold:

  1. How to “tell” the future before it happens;
  2. How to use your discernment to make your premonitions relative to your life and how you use your time;
  3. How to become executive in your vibration by realising the potential of your prophetic gift unfolded;
  4. How your gift of trance works for you and against you;
  5. Your gift of creativity and the source of your wisdom;
  6. How to organise the attributes of your prophetic gift into the business of your life;
  7. How to move from a very small picture to a universal understanding.

The course gives you confidence and tools to change any areas of our life you wish to by being welcome and open to change, and how to use these revelations to create it for you, to confidently navigate life on planet earth, and evolve your soul’s path.

Time: 10-12 Hours



  • #749A; B; C The Personal Energy Mastership Courses (3 part series course)
  • #727 – #733 Cycle Series of Healing and Revealing 1st – 7th Cycle

Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the workshop is recommended.


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Event Details

Venue: Online