In this mastership level of courses, we learn practical communications as we seek refinement of ourselves, our communications and we learn what happens when you do not communicate clearly. In this clarity we gain a greater awareness of who we really are as distinct from our programming. We become determined to evolve as a soul, making our actions intentional.
Time: 6 Hours
- #107 Our Gift of Feeling – Attaining Sentience
- #206 Conquering the Attributes of Communication
- #301 Pathways Level B1: Taking Pathways Beneficial to Finding True Freedom
- #302 Pathways Level B2: Building Pathways to Lucidity
- #303 Pathways Level B3: Balancing Our Life & Goals for Optimal Success
- #304 Pathways Level B4: Discovering Pathways to Our Inner Beauty
- #305 Pathways Level B5: Bountiful Steps on our Pathways of Life
- #306 Pathways Level B6: Pathways to the Supreme Experience of Benevolence
- #307 Attaining Perception: Our Intuitive Gift Course
- #650 How to Present the CU Lecture & Workshop
- #601 Pathways Level C1: Pathways to Expanding Our Consciousness
Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the course is recommended.
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