Psychometry and Its Healing Gift: Opening Our Feelings Course (#764 @AWK)


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Psychometry and Its Healing Gift: Opening Our Feelings Course (#764)

Immerse yourself in the profound journey of Psychometry and Its Healing Gift: Opening Our Feelings, where we delve deep into the essence of our emotional landscape. Our feelings, the very heartbeat of our soul, hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of our existence. This course is a transformative exploration, revealing the intricate connections between our feelings, our self-perception, and the dynamics of our surroundings.

Throughout this enlightening journey, we unfold the depths of our gift of feeling, understanding its role as a direct pathway to self-discovery. We explore its immersive engagement with our environment and the people around us, recognising it as the pulsating core of our soul’s essence. Our feelings are not just emotions; they embody the wisdom that unravels the tapestry of our experiences.

This course isn’t merely theoretical; it’s a practical voyage into understanding the language of our emotions, enhancing our ability to communicate with our inner self. By embracing and living our feelings, we unlock a plethora of invaluable life lessons, gaining insights into the very fabric of our existence.

Moreover, this journey unravels the potential of our feelings to illuminate the reasons behind our life experiences, offering a profound compass to navigate our earthly journey. It emphasizes the significance of cultivating self-respect and loyalty, empowering us to glide through life’s various landscapes with grace.

Join us on this transformative course as we navigate the terrain of our feelings, unlock our emotional wisdom, and embrace a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Discover the power of your emotions and harness them for a more harmonious journey on this planet.

Time: 4-5 Hours


Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the course is recommended.


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Event Details

Venue: Online