Our Consultants will be in touch with you shortly to organise your one-to-one consultation.
Do you desire to refine your communication style and your Gifts of Perception to embody who you really are, how you behave, how you communicate to yourself and the world around you so you can master every area of your life – personal, business, social and spiritual?
This Profile works to release pressure and confusion around your first perception and your ‘maze’, put your Soul back as Master of your life and tremendously increases your success. Once you clear up these challenges, you will begin to retrieve your spiritual territory, demand your own energy for yourself, and prosper in your growth and enhancement.
The profile helps you to identify the many spheres of influence and tendencies that have trained you out of using your feelings in your first seven years, where you have ‘taken on’ others ways of perceiving the world that has become so ingrained they feel natural to you. These challenges to your true and unique constitution can include past lives, the immediate past, your parents’ style of communication, out of balance qualities of your parents, comfort zones, outside loyalty, learned programming from educational systems. This is your ‘maze’ and it can feel good. It may not feel like confusion at all because it is so familiar and your habitual way of living. You don’t know you are doing it.
Spiritually, it is essential you outgrow your maze. You need to invest energy, awareness, and focus to overcome any inhibiting influences you may have absorbed, that undermine your first gift, its attributes and learn how to keep it balanced. It is crucial as your angels communicate with you through your first gift.
In this profoundly healing personal consultation you will:
- Learn how your first gift gets under pressure, it’s out of balance function, how it interacts with your other gifts and how the concepts in your first seven years have created this pressure;
- Discover the pattern of it to enable you to heal the concepts, release the pressure and advance to an understanding of how you keep your first gift in balance;
- Open the understanding of what blocks your pure communication with yourself, others and your environment;
- Learn about influences extending beyond those sourced in your first profile;
- Learn about your gifts and how they swing when you are stimulated to live your maze, myth or fairy-tale;
- Identify the adopted concepts of your maze, myth and fairy-tale and how they undermine your first gift and your clear communication;
- Techniques to change the areas of your misunderstanding and open yourself to pure communication.
This one-to-one consultation is a very powerful profile that will empower you to fulfil your destiny.
Time: 2 Hours
- #654 Transform Your Life: The ‘Business of Life’ Workshop
Follow up:
- #609Â Your Spiritual Personality Type
Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the consultation is recommended.
Our Consultants will be in touch with you shortly to organise your one-to-one consultation.
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