Transcending the Super-Ego with Power (#814 @MAS)


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‘Transcending the Super-Ego with Power’ Course (#814)

It would be transformational if you could transcend and control your super-ego to release concepts of guilt, criticism, perfection, comparison, judgment, and striving to be acceptable to society’s rapidly changing ideals and cultural regulations.

In this course, you will unfold that pride has its own ego, and this is where the majority of our conceptual problems that contribute to mood swings emanate from. Bizarre as it may seem, this mode of behaviour is now commonplace among the populace because we have become so conditioned to living in our heads. Whole professions are evolving in analysing it as a normal part of life and devoted to studying it. We can therefore boldly say that our out-of-balance conduct has now become so obvious that it is regarded as normal.

Imagine being able to tame your pride and its concepts with your humility. This pays the greatest spiritual dividends, and when you invest in humility, and inspire others to invest, we start to create a planet of in-balance, wise, detached, generous, compassionate, caring and loving human beings.

In this course, you will learn effective tools to dissolve pride, stimulate the power of humility, develop your discernment in life to work out how you are being affected emotionally and take the time to heal any such interferences in energy first – long before you become emotional. This saves huge amounts of energy and time you can invest in realising your success.

In this enlightening course, you will:

  1. Explore outside influences, what they are and where they come from;
  2. Learn how your inner truth becomes diluted on its journey through life;
  3. What kind of contributions you make to the super-ego.
  4. What kinds of actions you have taken and can take to dismantle it;
  5. How you can understand it to change your course of history;
  6. How you can use your own journey as a prototype for change for the planet;
  7. How to navigate through it whilst still holding your own purpose and direction;
  8. Learn the true journey of your ego;
  9. Learn how pride can interfere with your best interests.
  10. Learn how to overcome highs and lows.

This course has techniques and meditations that transcend concepts held by the super-ego for your unfolding success.  You will establish a new standard of integrity with yourself to operate from a position of humility – the true power of your feeling nature, releasing pride and sharpening your discernment to enable you to live from a powerful platform of advancement through your life’s true goals of raising your level of consciousness and following through on the fulfilment of your path and purpose this lifetime.

Time: 8 Hours


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  • #201 Mastering Communication with Guidance


  • #920-#926 Seven Deadly Sins Series of Courses

Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the course is recommended.


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