Trance Healing – Self Discovery Series Level 1 (#713A)
In this 7 week Astro Soul Travel Self Discovery Series work we can learn about: Ourselves – Our uniqueness, those distinctive qualities that make us the essence of who we are. Our plan – Why we came to Planet Earth – what inspired us to have a lifetime here. Our angels – The team of Angels we have who guide and protect us. Concepts that limit our experience of freedom. We live the awareness of the emotions they can create with opportunities to heal them. We learn to identify confused souls who try to control us because of our misunderstandings. We travel to and from circles of experiences that we need to close and/or heal.
Time: 2.5 Hours
- #654 Business of Life Workshop
- #304 Pathways Level 2 Step 4: Discovering Pathways to Our Inner Beauty
Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the course is recommended.
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