Unique Vibration Consultation – Discovering my Life’s Journey (#5003 @AWK)


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Our Consultants will be in touch with you shortly to organise your one-to-one consultation.

Are you really inspired to Master Your Life and fill it with passion, purpose, and energy? Do you want to know who you really are spiritually as distinct from your programmed life?

There is no ceiling to your spiritual growth, and after you have discovered your personal team of Angels from the ‘Business of Life’ workshop, you may wish to accelerate your understanding of your soul part and your life’s journey.

The Unique Vibration Consultation  is a phenomenal one-to-one consultation, that is offered by Solara Academy, and unfolds and identifies detailed messages from each of your angels about your personal, business and social energy, and how and why they are backing you in these areas. You identify, through these messages, your purpose and the life lessons your Angels have come to back you with to master this lifetime.

With this profile, you enter into a collaboration and co-ordination with your personal team of Angels, unfold the truth of your energy identity, focus your energy on living your destiny and help calibrate your energy into the purity of who you really are.

After the profile, you will enable comprehension to choose the manner in which you wish to fulfil your purpose, unleash your confidence and inner authority, and initiate necessary changes in your life. With this spiritual evolution, you can learn to control your fate.

We deliver that experience in this profound one-to-one consultation so you can live your unique path and purpose and accelerate your evolvement as a soul.

In this profoundly unique personal consultation you will:

  1. Discover how to accelerate the discovery of your soul part and its priorities;
  2. Identify each of your angels and open up conversations with them;
  3. Identify the type of backing they are giving you this lifetime and why;
  4. Learn about each angel, where they were born, and the pieces of your puzzle that consolidate your understanding of yourself;
  5. Learn how each of your Angels helps you to identify, by reflection, your Purity;
  6. Unfold your purpose, through the words of your ‘Thrust’ a powerful message of the celebration of your uniqueness;
  7. Discover the spiritual tools and resources you have available to chart the course of your journey on planet earth;
  8. Feel your true vibration and unleash a real enthusiasm for life and the unique purpose you have for this lifetime.

This consultation will immerse you into an in-depth exploration of you – into your soul and beyond.

Time: 3 Hours


  • #654 Transform Your Life: The ‘Business of Life’ Workshop

Follow up:

  • #201 Mastering your Communication with Guidance
  • #101 Pathways Level1 Step 1 Awakening your inner self to its potential

Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to this consultation is recommended.

Our Consultants will be in touch with you shortly to organise your one-to-one consultation.


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Venue: Online