The ‘Divine Mystery Supreme’ of Self Determination – 8 Aspirations
By Sue Mazur
Have you heard the saying “Be the change you want in the world” attributed to Gandhi? Little do people know, Gandhi didn’t say this at all – it is only a portion of a larger quote:-
“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
The shortened quote has impacted lives in a special way, even though it is missing a lot of context. It has encouraged people to not complain about what is happening in the world but to pay attention to the inner self-work we need to do before attempting to change the world. Gandhi was trying to say that to make effective change in the world, we must first alter our self-determination, and the belief that you can control your own destiny can play an important role in how people function in many different areas of their lives.
It is a concept often misunderstood and confused with self-motivation and determination. Whilst both of these play a role in the attitudes and abilities of people who display self-determination, it is better explained on a personal level as a person’s ability to make choices, manage your own life and control your own destiny.
On the world stage, it is understood that the right to self-determination involves ‘the rights of all peoples to pursue freely their economic, social and cultural development without outside interference – to be treated respectfully with the opportunity to participate in making such decisions (through democratic government) to be able to exercise meaningful control over your affairs’.
Feeling in control of your own life helps people feel more committed, passionate, interested, and satisfied with the things that they do. With self-determination and spiritual evolution, we can learn to control our fates. It starts with us. In order to strengthen your personal self-determination, it is helpful to think about what a highly self-determined individual’s attitudes and abilities might look like.
People who are high in self-determination tend to be:-
- Self-AwareThey do not make excuses, assign blame, refuse to admit their own role in situations. They know themselves, their motivations, their blockages and are proactive and committed to personal growth. They tend to acknowledge themselves with humility and acknowledge others sincerely without trying to gain approval or favour.
- Actively Directed to Growth
Gaining mastery over challenges and taking in new experiences are essential for developing a cohesive sense of self. Comfort zones are identified and challenged. Being a student of life, creating a bigger picture perspective of life and elevating their state of consciousness is one of the main goals. - Autonomously Motivated
Motivated by an internal truth, an echo in their feelings, with a high need to gain knowledge, independence or for the fulfilment, rather than external rewards such as money, prizes, or acclaim. - In Control of their own Lives
They have an internal locus of control (inner-authority) and feel that their behaviours influence outcomes. When confronted with challenges, they are determined to overcome them through insightful decisions, diligence, good choices and actions taken. - Highly Self Motivated
They do not rely on external rewards or punishments to motivate them to take action. With a high sense of self-loyalty, they engage in behaviours because they are aligned to their purpose, good at setting goals and working towards those aims. - Responsible
Highly self-determined people take credit for their success, accept the blame for their failures, believe they can do something to fix the problem and take action to correct the mistake. - Connected
Connectivity and a sense of belonging to an aligned group of people are one of the main components. Strong positive relationships and relating to the group can foster motivation and well-being. At Living Illumination, we would also extend this to being connected to your Guidance. In contrast, poor relationships can contribute to a poor sense of self and weak motivation. - Competent
Whether it is spiritual mastery, hobby, sport, academic learning or another area, a strong interest, learning, commitment and practice of different skills needed for success are essential. A sense of being capable of achieving their goals and overcoming challenges steers them through unchartered waters confidently.
“Many teachers will tell you to believe; then they put out your eyes of reason and instruct you to follow only their logic. But I want you to keep your eyes of reason open; in addition, I will open in you another eye, the eye of wisdom.” Sri Yukteswar
Because the pathway to self-determination begs our commitment, author Kristy Kaye in her book “The Constitution of Our Soul: Destiny’s Deliverance of Our Soul’s Rights, provides information, tools and techniques to help you open to your inner truth, you can learn how to live from the pivot of spiritual laws, thus enabling you to reclaim your inner serenity, peace, abundance, tranquillity and contentment: your self-determination blueprint for life.
We cannot take shortcuts either because our ability to memorise or recite knowledge of self-discovery is useless to us without “experiencing”, which is when our energy physically moves us to embrace a new truth.
Start today – be part of the ‘divine mystery supreme’ and expand your source of happiness. Action your next step now, buy that book, book that course, take action now.
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- Master of My Own Destiny – Igniting The Fire Inside By Kristy Kaye
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#livingillumination #spiritualenlightenment #awakening #howtoawaken #spirituality #spiritualdevelopment #divinity #selfdetermination