By Sashua Benay

Do you want to wake up each day and feel 10 foot-tall and bullet proof?

Sound too good to be true?

There is an efficient and effective way you can change to this way of being as your modus operandi.

Want to know how?

Let’s begin with what. What would it take for you to feel this way? Feel positive and enriched by your own wisdom, such that anything that comes your way is dealt with in your stride, conquering with every step, nurturing yourself and benefiting those around you as a natural consequence.

How about a Personal Board of Directors? Experts you have contracted in every department of your life. Health, Family, Relationships, Business. They know your goals, your destiny, your Purpose and every moment of the day, their attention is directed on helping facilitate the steps of your life to that end. It is like the best team of personal trainers, life coaches, business mentors, counselors and confidants you could ever hope for. But more!

These of course are your Angels. Spirit Guides that know you intimately. Every talent, flaw, your past and potential – they know you better than you will ever know yourself.

They are with you 24/7. Waiting for the moments when you engage with them or ask them for help – because without the request, their hands are somewhat tied to engage themselves in any real involvement. As we all have free will.

Remember there are the other kind of voices too that may want to quell the message of your Angels. Talk you out of an insight, decision or solution – from fear, doubt or worry.

Have the willpower to consciously quiet these voices of insecurity and start to tune in to the quieter voices that have the genuine message. A message of reassurance, encouragement and direction. Those are the voices that pay dividends when we heed their message.

Why? Our Angels are here to guide us through every decision point, roadblock and blank canvass. Our personal navigators and advisors. Sharing their unconditional love with you everyday.

You can ask them any question you have ever had about you, your past, present and future to know yourself – the most expedient success factor in living the life you only imagined possible. And up til now, you have barely scratched the surface.

Time to take advantage of this amazing online resource – available to you 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. It will be the best business decision you have ever made – the business of you that is. And it won’t impact on your data usage!

If you would like to find out who your personal team of Angels are and how to communicate with them – the Living Illumination Universal Workshop provides all the techniques for you to make that part of your reality.

And to refine your communication after the Workshop you may want to follow up with Communication with Guidance. A great way to expand your communication through techniques and experiences.

Register now for the Business of Life Workshop and fast track your life to a whole new you! [Link]

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